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Mishloach Manot

Mishloach Manot Order Form Instructions:

1. Choose Your Recipient: Select where you would like your Purim gift bag to go. You can choose one of the following options:

  • Aravilla
  • Aviva Senior Living Center
  • JQuest Family
  • Gan Family
  • A Temple Member (choose this option for someone who is not enrolled in Gan or JQuest)
2. Delivery Options: Indicate if you would like to deliver the bag yourself, or if you would prefer us to deliver it for you. Please check one of the following:
  • I will deliver the bag myself
  • Please deliver the bag for me
3. Cost: The cost is $36 per bag, which includes:
hamantaschen, candy, gragger, dried fruit, mask, and more!

Thank you for spreading joy this Purim!


Please select the number of baskets you would like to order below:


Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785