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The Rules of War

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 8 Elul 5784

11:30 AM - 12:30 PMSocial Hall A

Rules of War
Isn’t that an Oxymoron?

Do the Acronyms ICJ, ICL, IHRL, and UNWRA make you say WTHeck?
David Kaufman, J.D., Ph.D., will break down the alphabet during a brown-bag lunch on
Wednesday, September 11 at 11:30 AM in the Social Hall. Beverages and desserts
David is an expert in Security who (for over 10 years) writes a quarterly column for the
American Bar Assn. on security and personal safety issues. He recently prepared and
published an article for their "Experience" magazine issue published April/May 2024. To
many commendations.  

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Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785