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Annual Appeal 2024-25

We are grateful to all of our members who have made a gift to Temple Sinai in 2024-25.  

Dear Beloved Community,

As Temple Sinai's Vice President of Development I have made a commitment to securing our synagogue’s enduring legacy. Join me in supporting our future, where we preserve Jewish life and traditions, nurture our community, and cultivate love and connection. By backing our annual appeal, we honor traditions that unite us l’dor vador (across generations), ensuring future generations can embrace the wisdom and beauty of our heritage. As a vibrant Jewish community, we come together for Shabbat, Torah study, festivals, and life's milestones. Your support bolsters programs and initiatives fostering spiritual growth and strengthening our communal bonds. Our synagogue upholds vital Jewish values like tikkun olam (repairing our world), compassion, and justice. Contributions to the annual appeal sustain this beacon of values, enabling us to make a meaningful impact on the world. As guardians of our legacy, we must equip our youth to carry forward our customs and values. Generous support ensures their education and engagement, securing a vibrant Jewish future. Our Jewish customs provide strength, identity, and belonging. Let us unite in supporting the annual appeal, preserving our traditions for future generations.

I stand before you not only as Vice President but as a devoted member of our community. Let us bond our hearts, minds, and resources to ensure Temple Sinai remains a sanctuary where Jewish life and traditions thrive.

With heartfelt gratitude and unwavering dedication,

Elana Margolis, VP of Development

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784